Friday, July 2, 2010

June last

11 PM
80F outdoors
78F indoors
breeze 3-6MPH SW
Colbert interviews guy who likes to work with his hands AND has U.Chicago Ph.D
--> M. Crawford, Shop Class as Soulcraft
THEN Green Day 21st Century Breakdown(TM) ad
THEN Public Enemies(TM) mini-trailer
fine, prickly sweat leaks from pores + gathers around hairshafts
fan drones at bad angle (broken rotating element) for marginal relief
ABCNEWS holds B-Rock hostage, or vice versa, for late-night marathon re health care reform
--> at hand: will 'Rock wake up at a normal hour tomorrow? what about his exercise routine? does he get a smoke break after four hours like normal people?
these are questions
Conan at new job
--> you want the big bucks, you have to deal with the animal guys they book on slow nights
see: boa constrictor, 18 feet, draped around neck; also: terrified facial expression
'James H. Latimer,' if that's his real name, signs his name to BMW's e-z new-car leases
--> no red tape at MotorWerks
North Dakota: bison, injuns, 70s music stars
Jack Hanna, Conan, elephant

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