Sunday, July 4, 2010

Arr-Ess-Dubs, Thursday 3:30 PM

2 Lam. Gallardo
1 Bent. Arnage
10 valets at each of two Ritz-Carlton resorts
1 ten-mile commercial strip
6 three-story bank branches in a row
2 miles of boxy beach hotel-condos, faux-Mediterranean
30 story, give or take, height limit
12 half-finished structures
26 sandy, puddled clear-cuts once slated for development
0 elevation change

Little discernible primary economic activity (land speculation does not count)
Cute downtown shopping area with shops, restaurants, and shop-restaurants with nice bars. Note to self: locating a gift shop just off the outdoor bar is a good way to grow your bottom line
Magnificent broad boulevards, straight and true, through yet-to-be (ever-to-be) developed jungle. Where land is built upon, communities connect to boulevards at one point (one gate) and stretch quickly back from the road to maintain a healthy buffer. Even trailer parks have gates; said communities' visibility is inversely proportional to the cost of land per acre behind their walls. It's all in the landscaping
High tide line - vegetation line = 0
Lizards by day, possums by night. Result the same

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